
Новый Google Play доступен на устройствах Android

Google has begun distributing an updated version of its Goolgle Play store, which has redesigned it again. To the left of the search bar, the familiar hamburger menu has disappeared. You can now tap your profile photo in the upper right corner, and then you can access your apps, games, payment methods, Google Play Points and more.

The settings menu is now split into four categories, including General (information specific to your account, auto-update, auto-play video options, and many more options), User Controls (fingerprint management and purchase authentication), Family ”(Parental Controls and Guide for Parents) and“ About ”for information on the version of Google Play.

If you still do not have a new version of the store, you can force stop the Google Play application, and after restarting it should have a new design.

Yesterday, Google officially confirmed that the annual Google I / O 2021 Developers Conference will take place from May 18 to May 20.


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